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Our Hero: Rhett

When Rhett was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at just two years old, it was a moment filled with fear and disbelief. His mother, Maryana, recalls the moment clearly: “I was terrified. My world had just been completely flipped upside down.”

It was during this difficult time that Rhett and his family were introduced to Hope & Heroes. In addition to the care he received from his doctors and nurses, Hope & Heroes became an integral part of Rhett’s treatment journey. “Hope & Heroes was there for us, too,” Maryana explains. “They fund programs that helped Rhett cope with his treatment.”

photo of Rhett in treatment

One of those programs is Integrative Therapies, which uses massage, acupuncture, and acupressure to help ease side effects throughout and beyond treatment. Maryana also appreciates those who tirelessly worked to keep Rhett distracted during lengthy days at the hospital. “The Child Life specialists did an amazing job of distracting the kids while they were spending their days getting chemotherapy,” she adds. Those moments of normalcy were crucial for both Rhett and his family. “Everyone was always so positive. They always treated Rhett like he was just a normal kid,” says Maryana.

(L-R) Maryana (mom), Aaron (dad), Landon (brother), and Rhett at NYCFC

Rhett completed his treatment in just over two years, finishing in 2014. Now 14 years old, he’s an active freshman in high school, where he plays football and lacrosse. “He’s taking quarterback lessons, which he really enjoys,” Maryana adds, thrilled that Rhett is thriving.

The care and support Rhett received during treatment played a major role in his recovery. “It definitely wouldn’t have been possible for him to do any of the things he’s doing today if he hadn’t got the care that he received with the help of Hope & Heroes.”

Looking back on the journey, Maryana reflects on Rhett’s ability to endure and overcome. “He was incredibly brave. He was our strength. He carries that bravery and resilience with him today.”

By funding comprehensive medical care and programs focused on emotional and physical well-being, Hope & Heroes helped Rhett navigate his cancer journey and emerge as the kind, happy, and healthy teen he is today.

Maryana notes, “Hope & Heroes is working every day to give every child with cancer that chance.”

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When Melina was ten years old, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and needed a bone marrow transplant to save her life.

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